This is the home of OpenBVE, a license-free, open source, free of charge train driving simulator.


This program includes detailed per-car simulation of the brake systems, friction, air resistance, toppling and more. In 3D cabs, the driving experience is augmented with forces that shake your simulated body upon acceleration and braking, as well as in curves. Besides that, OpenBVE features a 3D positional sound system best enjoyed with surround speakers, train exteriors and timetables for the current run. Finally, via the main menu, routes and trains be easily selected to start a new session, the controls can be configured to keyboard or joystick devices, and a variety of options can be selected.

Compared to other simulators of the genre, especially compared to commercial games, OpenBVE has its main focus on realism, not necessarily on user-friendliness. You should be willing to study operational manuals for the routes and trains you want to drive, and will in many cases not get along by just memorizing a few keystrokes. If you can identify with this focus, OpenBVE might be the right simulator for you.

Latest Stable Release: Stable (2025-02-05)

Current News & Updates:


Significant Changes:

  • Fix: Improved handling of .Section commands with unexpected contents. (Signals could get stuck on red in rare cases)
  • Fix: Departure occurring at the terminal station.
  • Fix: When using the AI driver & certain .Net plugins, the reverser repeatedly bounced on and off at the terminal station.
  • Fix: Rolling backwards whilst moving off from a station stop on a hill caused the it to trigger again.


Behavioural Changes:

  • New: Joystick buttons limit increased to 64, plus various other changes from openTK backend.
  • Fix: Holding down a door button no-longer causes the doors to bounce between open & closed.

Significant Changes:

  • New: XML based markers ( ), allowing for text messages and basic time dependent scripting.
  • New: When a door button is pressed, VirtualKeys.DoorsLeft / VirtualKeys.DoorsRight is raised.
  • New: Panel2.cfg supports the subjects doorbuttonl & doorbuttonr
  • New: Animated objects support the subject leftDoorsButton & rightDoorsButton
  • Change: LBA and large GC objects enabled. (Fixes some issues with NYCTA routes)
  • Change: Workaround for some Chinese BVE2 routes not finding the default train correctly.
  • Change: The non-visible ‘NUL’ character is ignored if encountered during routefile processing.
  • Fix: Missing error message in dynamic background parser.
  • Fix: Using ‘SIGNAL’ at the start of a comment in a routefile could be misinterpreted.
  • Fix: Issue when using the ‘Back’ button whilst creating a package under some circumstances.
  • Fix: Workaround for certain malformed paths whilst loading a .animated file.
  • Fix: Car based plugin sounds not working correctly.
  • Fix: VirtualKeys.GearDown not working correctly.


Significant Changes:

  • New: BIG5 and Windows-1252 charsets added to those auto-detected.
  • New: Updated ja-JA language file- Thanks midnightexpress1981
  • Change: Improved charset detection process & fallback charset handling.
  • Change: Fog placed at absolute zero is assumed to apply from before the start of the route, rather than interpolating in over the course of the first block.
  • Fix: Trains missing a point sound in the Sound.cfg file broken.
  • Fix: Bug in package creation under Mono only.
  • Fix: Potential crash if holding down an arrow key to scroll the route list.


Significant Changes:

  • Fix: Trains missing the Sound.cfg file (A minority of trains from the BVE1 / BVE2 era) were broken.
  • Fix: Several issues with the TrackFollowerFunction, relating to station jumps.
  • Fix: A time-based animation updated incorrectly when returning from the menu.
  • Fix: A route encoded in UTF-8, with a $Include file encoded in SHIFT_JIS had incorrect character mapping in station names.
  • Change: Improved handling of broken/ non-standard folder structures.
  • New: Added an in-game gradient display option. (Must be added under Controls for existing users. New installs are set to CTRL + N by default)


This release contains several more requested features, as well as improvements to the main menu system. There has been one behavioural change affecting all prior content.

Behavioural Changes:

In prior versions of OpenBVE, pressing and holding a horn key would cause the sound to repeatedly trigger until the key was released. This has been changed to the following:

  • Primary & Secondary horns: The sound will play once.
  • MusicHorn: The sound will toggle on with the first keypress, then toggle off.

Please see also the following errata note:

Significant Changes:

  • New: Three-part horn sounds are now supported.
  • New: A needle declared within a Panel2.cfg file, with the subject of hour , min or sec will now accept the additional parameter Smoothed , to use either smooth or stepped rotations.
  • New: Switch sounds based upon the current run index are now supported.
  • New: The subjects Klaxon , PrimaryKlaxon , SecondaryKlaxon and MusicKlaxon are now available for animations.
  • New: In-game menus may be scrolled using the mouse.
  • Fix: An optimised animated object with multiple functions could appear in the wrong position.
  • Fix: Object based backgrounds broken in certain obscure cases.
  • Fix: Object based backgrounds could clip incorrectly.
  • Fix: Incorrect keyup events generated when leaving the in-game menu.
  • Fix: The pressure for a straight air-brake did not quite go to zero, causing the run sound to continously play for some trains.
  • Fix: A train with defined bogies for cars greater than than the length in train.dat crashed.
  • Fix: If the restart process was invalid in filesystem.cfg , this would generate an error message & not restart.
  • Fix: A control with no assigned target would crash the in-game configuration menu.
  • Fix: The mouse did not work in the second or greater page of in-game menus with multiple pages.
  • Change: Disable the FileSystemWatcher on OS-X, as this leaks open file handles.
  • Change: Enter key not marked for translation.
  • Change: Update pt-PT translation.