The .rw route format - Quick reference


數字1 : 數字2 : : 數字n

Preprocessing directives
$Include(File1; Weight1; File2; Weight2; …)
$Rnd(Minimum; Maximum)
$Sub(VariableIndex) = Value

UnitOfLength = FactorInMeters1; FactorInMeters2; ; FactorInMetersn
UnitOfSpeed = FactorInKmph
BlockLength = Length
ObjectVisibility = { 0 = legacy | 1 = track-based }
SectionBehavior = { 0 = index-based | 1 = value-based }
CantBehavior = { 0 = unsigned | 1 = signed }
FogBehavior = { 0 = block-wise | 1 = interpolated }

Comment = Text
Image = FileName
Timetable = Text
Change = { -1 = service brakes (ATS) | 0 = emergency brakes (no ATS) | 1 = service brakes (ATS) }
Gauge = ValueInMillimeters
Route.Signal(Aspect) = Speed
RunInterval = Interval0; Interval1; …; Intervaln-1
AccelerationDueToGravity = Value
Elevation = Height
Temperature = ValueInCelsius
Pressure = ValueInKPa
AmbientLight = RedValue; GreenValue; BlueValue
DirectionalLight = RedValue; GreenValue; BlueValue
LightDirection = Theta; Phi

Folder = FolderName
Run(RailTypeIndex) = RunSoundIndex
Rail(RailTypeIndex) = RunSoundIndex
Flange(RailTypeIndex) = FlangeSoundIndex
Timetable(TimetableIndex).Day = FileName
Timetable(TimetableIndex).Night = FileName
Gauge = ValueInMillimeters
Interval = Interval0; Interval1; …; Intervaln-1
Velocity = Speed

Rail(RailStructureIndex) = FileName
Beacon(BeaconStructureIndex) = FileName
Pole(NumberOfAdditionalRails; PoleStructureIndex) = FileName
Ground(GroundStructureIndex) = FileName
WallL(WallStructureIndex) = FileName
WallR(WallStructureIndex) = FileName
DikeL(DikeStructureIndex) = FileName
DikeR(DikeStructureIndex) = FileName
FormL(FormStructureIndex) = FileName
FormR(FormStructureIndex) = FileName
FormCL(FormStructureIndex) = FileName
FormCR(FormStructureIndex) = FileName
RoofL(RoofStructureIndex) = FileName
RoofR(RoofStructureIndex) = FileName
RoofCL(RoofStructureIndex) = FileName
RoofCR(RoofStructureIndex) = FileName
CrackL(CrackStructureIndex) = FileName
CrackR(CrackStructureIndex) = FileName
FreeObj(FreeObjStructureIndex) = FileName
Back(BackgroundTextureIndex) = FileName
Back(BackgroundTextureIndex).X = RepetitionCount
Back(BackgroundTextureIndex).Aspect { 0 = fixed height | 1 = keep aspect ratio }

GroundStructureIndex = GroundStructureIndex1; GroundStructureIndex2; ; GroundStructureIndexn

SignalIndex = AnimatedObjectFile
SignalIndex = SignalFileWithoutExtension; GlowFileWithoutExtension


@RailStart(RailIndex; X; Y; RailStructureIndex)
@Rail(RailIndex; X; Y; RailStructureIndex)
@RailType(RailIndex; RailStructureIndex)
@RailEnd(RailIndex; X; Y)

@Curve(Radius; CantInMillimeters)

@FreeObj(RailIndex; FreeObjStructureIndex; X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll)
@Wall(RailIndex; Direction; WallStructureIndex)
@Dike(RailIndex; Direction; DikeStructureIndex)
@Pole(RailIndex; AdditionalRailsCovered; Location; Interval; PoleStructureIndex)
@Crack(RailIndex1; RailIndex2; CrackStructureIndex)

@Sta(Name; ArrivalTime; DepartureTime; PassAlarm; Doors; ForcedRedSignal; System; ArrivalSound; StopDuration; PassengerRatio; DepartureSound; TimetableIndex)
@Station(Name; ArrivalTime; DepartureTime; ForcedRedSignal; System; DepartureSound)
@Stop(Direction; BackwardTolerance; ForwardTolerance; Cars)
@Form(RailIndex1; RailIndex2; RoofStructureIndex; FormStructureIndex)

Signalling and speed limits:
@Limit(Speed; Direction; Cource)
@Section(Aspect0; Aspect1; ; Aspectn)
@SigF(SignalIndex; Section; X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll)
@Signal(Aspects; Unused; X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll)
@Relay(X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll)

Safety systems:
@Beacon(Type; BeaconStructureIndex; Section; Data; X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll)
@Transponder(Type; Signals; SwitchSystems; X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll)
@Pattern(Type; Speed)

@Fog(StartingDistance; EndingDistance; RedValue; GreenValue; BlueValue)
@Marker(FileName; Distance)
@PointOfInterest(RailIndex; X; Y; Yaw; Pitch; Roll; Text)
@Announce(FileName; Speed)
@Doppler(FileName; X; Y)