추적 개체

이 페이지는 openBVE v1.6.0 이상에서 지원되는 XML 기반의 추적 개체의 원리와 구현을 설명합니다.

■ 기본 원리

openBVE 에서는 다른 트랙에서 트랙을 따라가는 객체를 자유롭게 설정할 수 있습니다.

이를 위해서는 추적 개체의 XML 파일을 사용하여 실행할 각 개체에 대해 설정해야 합니다. 예시는 아래와 같습니다.

이 예시에서의 개체는 다음과 같이 실행됩니다.

  1. 게임 내에서 1분이 경과하여 게임 중 플레이어의 카메라 위치로부터 50 m에서 100 m 이내에 개체가 존재할 때 표시됩니다. 개체가 표시된 후 5분이 경과하면 보이지 않게 됩니다. 개체의 외관은 extension.cfg에 작성된 내용을 따릅니다.
  2. The in-game distance is 200 m and the right door is opened for 20 seconds and then the object accelerates to 30 km/h at an acceleration of 1.71km/h/s on Rail2.
  3. It travels at 60 km/h on Rail2 for 400 m.
  4. The object decelerates to 30km/h at 1.71 km/h/s on Rail2, when it reaches a distance of 1000 m within the game, it stops and opens the doors on both sides. After stopping for 10 seconds, it accelerates in reverse to 30 km/h with an acceleration of 1.71 km/h/s on Rail1.
  5. The object decelerates to 30 km/h at 1.71 km/h/s on Rail1, stops and opens the right door at an in-game distance of 200 m.

As you can see, the file consists of one <Definition> section, one <Car> section and one <Stops> section. The <Stops> section consists of two or more <Stop> sections.

■ Definition attribute

<AppearanceTime> Time </AppearanceTime>

Time sets the time when the object appears in the game.

Note: If this parameter is omitted, the object will emerge from the start of the game.

<AppearanceStartPosition> Position </AppearanceStartPosition>

Position sets the in-game distance at which the object starts appearing. The object will appear when the player’s train passes this point. The unit is meter.

Note: If this parameter is omitted, the object will emerge from the start of the game.

<AppearanceEndPosition> Position </AppearanceEndPosition>

Position sets the in-game distance at the end point where the object appears. The object will be hidden when the player’s camera position passes this point. It must also be greater than the value specified for <AppearanceStartPosition>. The unit is meter.

Note: If this parameter is omitted, the object will emerge from the start of the game.

<LeaveTime> Time </LeaveTime>

Time sets the duration from when the object appears in the game until it disappears. The object will not be visible after this time. This value is not an in-game time.

Note: If this parameter is omitted, the object will remain visible until the end of the game, or until it is hidden by <AppearanceEndPosition>

■ Train attribute

<Directory> Path </Directory>

Path sets the relative path to the directory containing the object’s train.dat, sound.cfg and extensions.cfg.

Note: If a train folder is intended solely for AI use, then the train.dat file may be renamed train.ai

<Reversed> true </Reversed>

If this attribute is set to true then the consist of the train will be reversed.

■ Stop attribute

<Decelerate> Value </Decelerate>

Value sets the deceleration of the object. The unit is km/h/s.

<StopPosition> Position </StopPosition>

Position sets the in-game distance where the object stops. The unit is meter.

<Doors> Value </Doors>

Value sets the open door of the object. The valid values are:

<StopTime> Time </StopTime>

Time sets the duration of the stop of the object. This value is not an in-game time.

<Accelerate> Value </Accelerate>

Value sets the acceleration of the object. The unit is km/h/s.

<TargetSpeed> Value </TargetSpeed>

Value sets the speed after the acceleration of the object. The unit is km/h.

<Direction> Value </Direction>

Value sets the direction of travel of the object. Valid values are as follows.

<Rail> RailIndex </Rail>

RailIndex sets the trajectory on which the object will run. It is necessary to define the trajectory by the Track.Rail command of the route file.