The XML Station Format

This page describes the principles and implementation of the XML based station format.

■ Basic Principles
A station within OpenBVE, when combined with one or more .Stop commands, defines a point at which trains call.
Each station which you wish to use must be setup using a Station XML file an example of which is shown below:

■ The basic station
The following basic attributes are required for all stations:

<Name> StationName </Name>
StationName sets the textual string by which this station is referred to in timetables, in-game messages etc.

<ArrivalTime> Time </ArrivalTime>
Time sets the time at which the player's train is expected to arrive at this station. Note: When this parameter is omitted, the player is permitted to arrive at any time.

<DepartureTime> Time </DepartureTime>
Time sets the time at which the player's train is expected to depart this station. Note: When this parameter is omitted, the player is permitted to depart at any time.

<Doors> Value </Doors>
Doors controls the side on which the train doors are to open. Valid values are:

Left , L or -1 : The left-hand doors are to open.
Right, R or 1 : The right-hand doors are to open.
None, N or 0 : No doors open at this station.
Note: If omitted, no doors open.

<ForcedRedSignal> True / False </ForcedRedSignal>
If ForcedRedSignal is set to True , then the signal associated with this station will be held at Red (Aspect 0) until the scheduled departure time.

<PassengerRatio> Ratio </PassengerRatio>
Ratio sets the approximate ratio of passengers on-board the train from this point onwards. As a reference, 100 represents a train with normal amount of passengers, while 250 represents an over-crowded train. Values in-between 0 and 250 should be used.

<ArrivalSound> Sound </ArrivalSound>
Sound should be the path of the sound-file to be played upon arrival at this station, relative to the Sound folder.

<DepartureSound> Sound </DepartureSound>
Sound should be the path of the sound-file to be played upon departure from this station, relative to the Sound folder.

<StopDuration> Duration </StopDuration>
Duration should be the minimum stop duration in seconds, to include both the door opening and closing times. The default value is 15.

<TimeTableIndex> Index </TimeTableIndex>
Inddex sets the timetable to be shown from this station on as defined via Train.Timetable(TimetableIndex)

■ Creating a Request Stop
Creating a request stop requires one further section to be added within your <Station> section:

The following basic attributes are supported for this section:

<EarlyTime> Time </EarlyTime>
Time sets the time before which the Early probabilities / message will be used. Note: May be omitted.

<LateTime> Time </LateTime>
Time sets the time before which the Late probabilities / message will be used. Note: May be omitted.

<Distance> DistanceInMeters </Distance>
DistanceInMeters sets the distance in meters before this station that the Request Stop roll will be made. Note: This distance must be less than that to the previous station.

<StopMessage> Message </StopMessage>
<PassMessage> Message </PassMessage>
Message sets the textual message to be displayed in the upper left of the screen when the request stop is triggered, depending on whether we are to stop at or pass this station.
Alternatively, if you require a specific message when the player is early/ late, the following sub-attributes are supported:
<Early> Message </Early>
<OnTime> Message </OnTime>
<Late> Message </Late>

<Probability> Value </Probability>
Probability should be an integer from 0 to 100 , representing the approximate probability that this stop may be requested.
Alternatively, if you require a specific probability when the player is early/ late, the following sub-attributes are supported:
<Early> Value </Early>
<OnTime> Value </OnTime>
<Late> Value </Late>
Note: If only one or two of the specific probabilities above are set, the others are assumed to have a zero-probability and thus will not trigger.

<MaxCars> Cars </MaxCars>
Cars sets the maximum length of a train before this request stop is automatically skipped. Note: No message is displayed in this case.

<AIBehaviour> Value </AIBehaviour>
Value controls the behaviour of the default AI driver towards this request stop. Valid values are:

FullSpeed or 0 : If the request stop is not triggered, the AI driver ignores it and passes at linespeed.
NormalBrake or 1 : If the request stop is not triggered, the AI driver brakes to ~10mph as it passes through the station.
Note: May be overriden by plugins implementing an AI method.