Dynamic and Object Based Backgrounds

This page describes the principles and implementation of the XML based background system.

■ Dynamic Backgrounds: Basic Principles
OpenBVE supports several distinct types of backgrounds:

1.   The original 'texture' based background. This wraps the specified texture around the viewing frustrum a specified number of times.

2.   'Dynamic' backgrounds. These are made up of a series of texture based backgrounds, and which are changed at the appropriate time.

3.   'Object' backgrounds. A static object (.b3d , .csv or .x) may be used instead of the standard viewing frustrum.

NOTE: No transition effects are supported for object based backgrounds.

Each individual background which you wish to use must be setup using a background XML file an example of which is shown below:

As you can see, the file is made up of one or more <Background> sections, each of which defines the background to be displayed at the point in time specified by Time.
■ Texture Backgrounds
A texture based background supports the following attributes:
<Texture> FileName </Texture>

FileName must point to the image which you wish to display as the background texture.
<Repetitions> NumberOfRepetitions </Repetitions>

NumberOfRepetitions is the number of times the texture is to be wrapped horizontally around the viewing frustrum.
<Mode> TransitionMode </Mode>

TransitionMode controls the transition effect to be used when this background is shown. Valid values are:

FadeIn : The new background fades in.
FadeOut : The old background fades out.
None : No transition effect is performed. ( Negates TransitionTime )

<TransitionTime> Time </TransitionTime>

Time is the time in seconds which the transition effect takes to complete.
■ Dynamic Backgrounds
A dynamic background should simply be made up of multiple Background elements, and takes one further attribute:
<Time> GameTime </Time>

GameTime is the 24-hour based time at which the transition to this background will begin.

■ Object Backgrounds
An object based background may also be used. With these, the specified object is rendered with it's 0,0,0 co-ordinate centered upon the camera center.
Only .b3d , .csv and .x files with no animation are supported. No transition effects or other attributes are supported.

A sample XML is shown below: